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LCCC students who wish to avoid receiving a charge to their student account for the CompTIA Digital Access Code materials can opt-out. 
The CompTIA materials do not have an option to be purchased elsewhere.  They are only available through the LCCC Bookstore Inclusive Access program.  By opting out you will no longer have access to your required materials to complete your course.
To opt-out please print this form and take it to the LCCC Bookstore in-person to receive a store manager's signature. You will then be required to provide the signed document to the Dean of Business, Agriculture, and Technical Studies, Dr. Jill Koslosky.
Once the completed form is returned to the bookstore the charge will be removed from your student account.
By signing this form I acknowledge that I am opting out of the LCCC Inclusive Access Program and I will not receive access to my required course materials to complete my course assignments. I acknowledge there are no other sources to acquire these materials than the LCCC Bookstore.  

Student Signature_____________________________________________

LCCC Bookstore Manager Signature__________________________

LCCC Dean of Business, Agriculture,
and Technical Studies